In order to build trust between our selves and our partners, shareholders, customers and suppliers, three basic interactions and mutual understandings must transpire: 1) All parties need to acknowledge that each, in a certain way, is taking a step into the unknown; 2) All parties need to agree upon the conditions established initially and then maintain a firm commitment to their accomplishment; 3) All parties need to understand that both time and experience will be required to validate the process and allow a broad-based trust to emerge.
This emphasizes the importance of mutual efforts to complete all of the agreed upon elements of our agreements in a timely fashion in such manner that only the word "faithful" adequately describes the nature of the commitment.
This means more than just working well to accomplish the obvious and required, but also to evince such a spirit of interaction that the seemingly minor or unimportant details also are dealt with in the same manner. We know that often little things make a big difference!
Today's world demands a greater commitment to be socially responsible to not only our shareholders, customers, suppliers and personnel, but also to the world community at large. For this reason we need to make sure that solutions, procedures and interactions keep this broader vision of social responsibility in mind. It may be more profitable to dump wastes into a nearby stream, for example, but it is not socially responsible, even if one were guaranteed getting a "blind eye" to such an operation by authorities.
We are convinced and committed to operating within the above framework of values. We know that by observing them, and building universal trust, that our endeavors will yield mutual benefits to all as well.