About Us
In a changing landscape, as we are living in today, cooperation seems to be the unique and sustainable way to assist people and organizations to achieve success. Cooperation is known to promote synergies which result in outcomes whose whole is greater than the sum of its parts! Inspired by this simple but powerful concept, a group of partners from different business and management backgrounds decided to "cooperate" and bring their knowledge, skills, competencies and experience into a coordinated whole. Thusly the CASBI Group emerged!
In order to provide our customers and partners with effective and practical solutions for their business needs, we take an overall view of operations. We look for the critical interactions that are in effect, analyze them in light of basic objectives and determine the nature of adjustments, minor or major, that may be required for improvements in productivity, profit and overall personnel and customer satisfaction. A Complex Adaptive Systems approach is used!
In order to expand, improve and promote a creative and efficient environment for an organization to acquire additional know-how, up-to-date communications and information systems are kept state-of-the art. This serves as the basis for Business Intelligence!
We are, therefore, the CASBI Group, a Complex Adaptive Solutions for Business Intelligence provider!